Today’s Spanish word of the day is “sosegado”.
It’s an adjective meaning “calm” or “peaceful”.
The word comes from the verb “sosegar”, meaning “to calm” or “to soothe”.
It can be used to describe people, animals and places that are particularly calm, quiet or serene.
Example Sentences
Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:
Mi gato es muy sosegado, le gusta dormir la mayor parte del día.
My cat is very calm, he likes to sleep most of the day.
Después de un día ocupado, me gusta disfrutar de un momento sosegado en casa.
After a busy day, I like to enjoy a peaceful moment at home.
En el parque, encontré un banco sosegado donde pude sentarme a descansar.
In the park, I found a quiet bench where I could sit and rest.
Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:
Encontré un barrio sosegado en las afueras de la ciudad, perfecto para criar a mis hijos.
I found a quiet neighborhood on the outskirts of the city, perfect for raising my children.
Durante las vacaciones, alquilamos una casa en la playa donde pudimos disfrutar de días sosegados bajo el sol.
During the holidays, we rented a house on the beach where we could enjoy peaceful days under the sun.
Después de practicar técnicas de respiración, logré alcanzar un estado mental sosegado y tranquilo.
After practicing breathing techniques, I managed to reach a calm and peaceful state of mind.
Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:
El sosegado arrullo del río era el único sonido que rompía el silencio del valle.
The serene murmur of the river was the only sound that broke the silence of the valley.
El nuevo jefe se ganó el respeto de los empleados gracias a su actitud sosegada y su habilidad para manejar situaciones estresantes.
The new boss earned the respect of the employees thanks to his calm demeanor and his ability to handle stressful situations.
En las noches de verano, solemos sentarnos en el patio trasero y disfrutar de una conversación sosegada bajo las estrellas.
On summer nights, we often sit in the backyard and enjoy a calm conversation under the stars.