Today’s Spanish word of the day is “ayuda”.
It’s a feminine noun usually translated as “help”, though it could also mean “aid” or “assistance”.
It comes from the verb “ayudar”, meaning “to help”.
Example Sentences
No entiendo este problema. ¿Puedes darme una ayuda?
I don’t understand this problem. Can you give me some help?
Si necesitas ayuda para mudarte, no dudes en avisarme.
If you need help moving, don’t hesitate to let me know.
¡Muchas gracias por tu ayuda durante este tiempo difícil!
Thank you so much for your help during this tough time!
Mi abuela necesita ayuda para caminar desde que se lastimó la pierna.
My grandmother needs help walking since she hurt her leg.
La familia afectada por el incendio está solicitando ayuda para reconstruir su hogar.
The family affected by the fire is seeking assistance to rebuild their home.