

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “hacer”. It’s one of the most common verbs in Spanish, and means “to do” or “to make”.

It’s an incredibly versatile word that comes up in all kinds of phrases.

Here’s a quick overview of how to conjugate “hacer” in the present tense:

  • I do – Yo hago
  • You do (informal) – Tú haces
  • You do (formal) – Usted hace
  • He/she does – Él/Ella hace
  • We do – Nosotros/Nosotras hacemos
  • You do (informal plural – only used in Spain) – Vosotros hacéis
  • You do (plural) – Ustedes hacen
  • They do – Ellos/Ellas hacen

Remember, personal pronouns are optional when using verbs, so you will often hear simply “hago” rather than “yo hago”, for example”.

Nosotros hacemos ejercicio en el parque.

We exercise in the park.

Ella siempre hace lo imposible por ayudar a los demás.

She always goes out of her way to help others.

Vosotros hacéis una buena pareja.

You two make a good couple.
