Today’s Spanish word of the day is “allá”.
It’s an adverb meaning “there”, or “over there”.
Confusingly, it’s very similar to another Spanish word, “allí”, which also translates as “there”.
Allí is usually used for more specific locations (which are often visible to the speaker), whereas allá is for less precise and more distant locations.
Example sentences
Allá vive mi abuela.
My grandmother lives over there.
Allá en el campo, el aire es más puro.
Over there in the countryside, the air is cleaner.
Allá por el año 2000, todo era diferente.
Back around the year 2000, everything was different.
Allá lejos, se ven las luces de la ciudad.
Far away over there, you can see the city lights.
Allá está el lugar que buscamos.
The place we’re looking for is over there.