

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “ambos” in the masculine form, or “ambas” in the feminine form.

It’s an adjective and a personal pronoun translating as “both”.

It agrees grammatically with the things you are referring to, so if you’re talking masculine nouns or mixed-gender nouns it will be “ambos”, whereas if you are talking about feminine nouns, it will be “ambas”.

One alternative way of saying “both” would be to say “los dos” or “las dos” (literally “the two”). For example, if someone shows you two t-shirts (“camisetas”) and you like both of them, you could say “me gustan ambas” (“I like both”), or “me gustan las dos” (literally “I like the two”).

Ambas opciones son buenas.

Both options are good.

Ambas partes llegaron a un acuerdo.

Both parties reached an agreement.

Trabajaron juntos en ambos proyectos.

They worked together on both projects.
