Today’s Spanish word of the day is “mismo”.
It usually translates as “same”, and can be used as an adjective, pronoun or adverb.
As an adjective, it means “same” and agrees with the gender and number of the noun it modifies:
- El mismo libro – The same book
- Las mismas personas – The same people
As a pronoun, it can mean “the same person”, “the same one” or “the same thing”:
- Juan es el mismo que siempre. – Juan is the same person as always.
- ¿Tienes una copia de este libro? Quiero leer el mismo. – Do you have a copy of this book? I want to read the same one.
- Me pasa lo mismo – The same thing happens to me.
As an adverb, it is used for emphasis:
- Ahora mismo – Right now.
- Ella misma resolverá el problema. – She will solve the problem herself. In this example, “mismo” emphasizes that she is doing it herself.
- Empecemos hoy mismo. – Let’s start today. In this example, “mismo” emphasizes the immediacy.
Example sentences
Vivimos en la misma calle.
We live on the same street.
Lo haré yo mismo.
I’ll do it myself.
Tienen la misma edad.
They are the same age.
¿Piensas lo mismo?
Do you think the same?
Siempre lleva el mismo traje.
He/she always wears the same suit.