

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “favor”.

It’s a masculine noun meaning “favor”, both in the sense of something you might do to help someone, as well as in the sense of having support or gaining favor.

The most common use of the word “favor” is actually in the expression “por favor” (“please”), which literally translates as “for favor”.

Estoy a favor de la propuesta.

I am in favor of the proposal.

Por favor, habla más despacio.

Please speak more slowly.

Me hiciste un gran favor ayer.

You did me a big favor yesterday.

Common phrases using the word “favor”

The word “favor” is used in several common phrases, including the following:

A favor de

  • Meaning: In favor of
  • Example: La mayoría está a favor de cambiar la ley. – The majority is in favor of changing the law.

De favor

  • Meaning: Free (without cost) or as a favor
  • Example: No estoy cobrando, esto es de favor. – I’m not charging, this is as a favor.

Hágame/haz/hazme el favor de

  • Meaning: Please do me the favor of
  • Example: Hágame el favor de cerrar la ventana. – Please do me the favor of closing the window.

Por favor

  • Meaning: Please
  • Example: ¿Puedes ayudarme, por favor? – Can you help me please?