

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “bañar”.

It’s a verb meaning “to bathe”.

The reflexive verb “bañarse” means “to bathe oneself”. Many people will use “bañarse” to refer both to washing oneself in the bath and in the shower, even though there is a shower-specific verb, “ducharse”, meaning “to have a shower”.

The word “bañar” comes from Latin balneare, meaning “to put something in water to wash it”. There are some obscure English words from this root, including “balneal”, which means “related to baths or bathing”.

Some related Spanish words include the following:

  • El balneario – Seaside resort or spa town.
  • El baño – Bathroom or toilet.
  • La bañera – Bathtub.
  • El bañador – Swimming costume.

Me gusta bañarme por la mañana.

I like to take a bath in the morning.

Los elefantes disfrutan bañándose en el barro para refrescarse.

Elephants enjoy bathing in the mud to cool off.

Me baño todas las noches antes de dormir.

I have a bath/shower every night before going to sleep.
