Today’s Spanish word of the day is “cenar”.
It’s a verb that means “to have dinner” or “to dine”. It refers to the evening meal and is related to the noun “cena”, meaning “dinner”.
“Cenar” is a regular verb that has the same conjugation pattern as other regular -ar verbs.
Example sentences
¿A qué hora quieres cenar?
What time do you want to have dinner?
Siempre cenamos a las ocho.
We always have dinner at eight.
Si sigo cenando pizza todas las noches, voy a convertirme en una.
If I keep having pizza for dinner every night, I’m going to turn into one.
Mis abuelos cenan temprano porque dicen que es mejor para la digestión.
My grandparents have dinner early because they say it’s better for digestion.
No cenó nada porque estaba en ayuno.
He didn’t have any dinner because he was fasting.