Today’s Spanish word of the day is “historia”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “history” or “story”.
Like the English words “history” and “story”, it comes from Latin historia, which referred to a narrative of past events.
Unlike in English, Spanish doesn’t have separate words for history in the sense of studying the past and for fictional stories—the word “historia” covers both. However, when talking about things like fairy stories, you’d normally use the word “cuento”, which is more similar to the English word “tale”.
Example sentences
Esta es una historia muy interesante.
This is a very interesting story.
Dicen que la historia se repite si no aprendemos de nuestros errores.
They say that history repeats itself if we don’t learn from our mistakes.
¿Has escuchado la historia de cómo se conocieron mis abuelos?
Have you heard the story of how my grandparents met?
Estudiar historia nos ayuda a entender mejor el presente y anticipar el futuro.
Studying history helps us better understand the present and anticipate the future.
El Quijote es considerado la obra más importante en la historia de la literatura española.
Don Quixote is considered the most important work in the history of Spanish literature.