

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “llevar”.

It’s a versatile verb that can have several meanings, including “to take”, “to carry”, “to bring” and “to wear”.

The reflexive form “llevarse” is often used to mean “to get along with someone”, for example:

  • Me llevo bien con mis suegros. – I get along well with my in-laws.

It can also refer to spending time on something. In this context, it would normally be translated into English as the verb “to be”. Here’s an example:

  • Llevo tres meses estudiando español. – I’ve been studying Spanish for three months.

The word “llevar” comes from Latin levare, meaning “to raise” or “to lift up”. This is also the root of a few English words, including “lever” and “elevate”.

“Llevar” is a regular verb that has the same conjugation pattern as other regular -ar verbs.

Llevo una chaqueta porque hace frío.

I’m wearing a jacket because it’s cold.

Llevo tres años viviendo en Tenerife.

I’ve been living in Tenerife for three years.

¿Puedes llevar estos documentos a la oficina?

Can you take these documents to the office?
