Today’s Spanish word of the day is “pregunta”.
It’s a feminine noun meaning “question”.
Some useful phrases using the word “pregunta” include:
- Hacer una pregunta. – To ask a question.
- Responder una pregunta. – To answer a question.
- Preguntar por algo. – To ask about something.
The word “pregunta” comes from the verb “preguntar” (“to ask”), which in turn comes from Latin percontari (“to ask”).
Example sentences
Tengo una pregunta para ti.
I have a question for you.
La pregunta más importante es: ¿qué vamos a hacer ahora?
The most important question is: what are we going to do now?
Aunque la pregunta parecía sencilla, la respuesta me llevó más tiempo del que imaginaba.
Although the question seemed simple, the answer took me longer than I expected.
Cuando les hice la pregunta, todos se quedaron en silencio, como si nunca se la hubieran planteado antes.
When I asked them the question, everyone went silent, as if they had never considered it before.
El profesor respondió a mi pregunta con mucha paciencia.
The professor/teacher answered my question very patiently.