

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “café”.

It’s a masculine noun meaning “coffee” or “café/coffee shop”.

The word “café” can also be used to mean “brown”, instead of the using the word “marrón”. This is more common in Latin America than Spain. When using the word “café” to mean “brown”, it’s usually used in the phrase “de color café” (literally “of coffee color”) rather than on its own. Here’s an example:

  • Tiene los ojos de color café. – He has brown eyes.

Like the English word “coffee”, “café” comes from the Arabic word for coffee, qahwah. Coffee originated in Ethiopia, and became popular in Yemen before spreading to the rest of the Middle East and then Europe in the 1500s and 1600s.

Me gusta tomar café por la mañana.

I like to drink coffee in the morning.

El café que preparas está delicioso.

The coffee you make is delicious.

El café que servían en el hotel era tan fuerte que casi no pude terminarlo.

The coffee they served at the hotel was so strong that I could barely finish it.
