

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “para”.

It’s a preposition meaning “for”, “to” or “in order to”.

“Para” can be used to refer to a purpose or direction, for example:

  • Este regalo es para ti. – This gift is for you.
  • Necesitas estudiar para aprobar el examen. – You need to study to pass the exam.

It can also be used to indicate a deadline, as in the following example:

  • El informe es para mañana. – The report is due tomorrow.

The word “para” is often confused with the word “por”, since both can be translated into English as “for”. However, they shouldn’t be used interchangeably. Here’s are some quick guidelines for when to use each:

  • Para → destination, goal, recipient, purpose
  • Por → cause, means, exchange, reason

Para hacer una tortilla, necesitas huevos, patatas y aceite.

To make a Spanish omelette, you need eggs, potatoes, and oil.

Este regalo es para Diego.

This gift is for Diego.

Para llegar al parque, toma la primera calle a la derecha.

To get to the park, take the first street on the right.
