


Today’s Spanish word of the day is “hermoso” in the masculine form, or “hermosa” in the feminine form. It’s an adjective meaning “beautiful” or “lovely”. Example sentences Me encanta tu hermoso vestido. I love your gorgeous dress. Esta canción tiene una letra hermosa. This song has beautiful lyrics. Esa pintura es realmente hermosa. That painting […]

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “permiso”. It’s a masculine noun that means “permission” or “license”. It’s quite a common word as it has a few uses beyond the literal meaning of “permission”: These uses are all related to being expressing politeness and asking for permission. It’s a handy word to know if you

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “conseguir”. It’s a verb meaning “to get”, “to obtain” or “to achieve”. Here’s a quick overview of how to conjugate “conseguir” in the present tense: Example sentences ¿Pudiste conseguir los boletos para el concierto? Were you able to get the tickets for the concert? María consiguió aprobar el

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “noche”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “night”. It comes from the Latin word “noctem”, which is also the root of the English word “nocturnal”. Example sentences Esta noche voy al cine. Tonight, I’m going to the movies. Vamos a cenar fuera esta noche. We’re going to have dinner

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “nadie”. It’s an indefinite pronoun meaning “nobody” or “no one”. Since Spanish uses double negatives, there are times when it can also be translated into English as “anybody” or “anyone”. For example, “no hay nadie” literally means “there isn’t nobody”, but would be translated as “there isn’t anybody”

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “miedo”. It’s a masculine noun meaning “fear”. If you want to say you’re afraid in Spanish, you say “tengo miedo”, which literally means “I have fear”. Example sentences Tengo miedo a las alturas. I’m afraid of heights. Los niños suelen tener miedo a la oscuridad. Children are often

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “alma”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “soul”. It can mean “soul” both in the spiritual sense as well as in a more metaphorical sense, for example referring to the heart and essence of something. It can also be used more generally to refer to people, for example in

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “siquiera”. Depending on the context, it can be translated as “even”, “even if” or “at least”. It can also be used in the negative phrase “ni siquiera”, meaning “not even”. Example sentences ¿No puedes ayudarme siquiera un poco? Can’t you help me even a little bit? No consiguió

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “traje”. It’s a masculine noun which usually means “suit”. It can also mean “outfit” or “costume”, for example in the phrase “traje de flamenca”, which translates as “flamenco outfit” and refers to the type of dress typically worn by flamenco dancers. Example sentences Mi padre siempre lleva un

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “modo”. It’s a masculine noun meaning “way”, as in the way in which something is done. It shouldn’t be confused with the related word “moda”, which means “fashion” in the sense of clothing or fads and trends. Both “modo” and “moda” come from the same Latin root as

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