Today’s Spanish word of the day is “acercar”.
It’s a verb meaning “to move closer” or “to bring closer”. When used as a reflexive verb (“acercarse”), it means “to approach”.
“Acercar” comes from the word “cerca”, meaning “close”.
Example sentences
Me acerqué a la ventana para ver mejor el paisaje.
I got closer to the window to see the landscape better.
El barco se acercó lentamente al puerto.
The ship slowly approached the harbor.
El perro se acercó a su dueño moviendo la cola.
The dog approached its owner wagging its tail.
El camarero nos acercó las cartas para que pudiéramos elegir qué pedir.
The waiter brought us the menus so we could choose what to order.
Los niños se acercaron al estanque para ver a los patos.
The children approached the pond to see the ducks.