Today’s Spanish word of the day is “amar”.
It’s a verb meaning “to love”.
The reflexive form, “amarse”, means “to love each other”, for example:
- María y Juan se aman. – María and Juan love each other.
The word “amar” comes from Latin amare, which is also the root of several English words including “amorous”, “enamor” and “amicable”.
“Amar” is a regular verb that has the same conjugation pattern as other regular -ar verbs.
Example sentences
Amó a su esposa hasta el último día de su vida.
He loved his wife until the last day of his life.
Cuando era joven, amaba viajar sin destino.
When I was young, I used to love traveling without a destination.
Te amo tal como eres.
I love you just the way you are.
El niño ama a su perro más que a cualquier otra cosa en el mundo.
The boy loves his dog more than anything else in the world.
No basta con amar en palabras; hay que demostrarlo con acciones.
It’s not enough to love in words; you have to show it through actions.