

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “anoche.”

It’s an adverb meaning “last night”.

“Anoche” is used to refer to things that took place during the previous night. For example:

  • No pude dormir anoche. – I couldn’t sleep last night.

Unlike in English, where “last night” is a phrase, in Spanish, “anoche” is a single word.

The word “anoche” is thought to come from the Latin phrase ad noctem, maning “toward the night” or “to the night”.

Anoche vi una película muy interesante.

Last night, I watched a very interesting movie.

El concierto de anoche fue increíble.

Last night’s concert was amazing.

Aunque anoche comí mucho, me desperté con hambre esta mañana.

Although I ate a lot last night, I woke up hungry this morning.
