

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “anteayer”. It’s an adverb meaning “the day before yesterday”.

It’s interesting that Spanish has a single word to express this concept, whereas in English you need four words!

“Anteayer” can be combined with other words to create more complex expressions to explain exactly when something happened.

For example, you could say “anteayer por la mañana” (the morning of the day before yesterday) or “anteayer por la tarde” (the afternoon of the day before yesterday).

In some parts of Latin America, in particular Central America and the Caribbean, the variation “antier” is often used instead of “anteayer”.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

Anteayer fui al parque con mis amigos.

The day before yesterday, I went to the park with my friends.

Anteayer visité a mi abuela y me dio unas galletas deliciosas.

The day before yesterday, I visited my grandmother and she gave me some delicious cookies.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Anteayer, cuando fui a la tienda, vi una oferta interesante en los productos de limpieza.

The day before yesterday, when I went to the store, I saw an interesting offer on cleaning products.

Anteayer, cuando hablé con mi amigo, me contó que había aprobado el examen de conducir.

The day before yesterday, when I spoke to my friend, he told me he had passed the driving test.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

Según el informe que recibimos anteayer, las ventas en el último trimestre superaron las expectativas en un 15%.

According to the report we received the day before yesterday, sales in the last quarter exceeded expectations by 15%.
