

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “antojo”.

It’s a masculine noun that’s usually translated as “craving” or “whim”. It refers to a spontaneous desire to do or have something.

You’ll often hear this word in the phrases “a mi antojo”, meaning “to my liking” and “hacer un antojo”, meaning “to satisfy a craving”.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

Tengo un antojo de chocolate.

I have a craving for chocolate.

Cuando estoy estresado, a menudo tengo antojos de comida rápida.

When I’m stressed, I often have cravings for fast food.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Anoche tuve un antojo de comida mexicana, así que fui a un restaurante cercano.

Last night I had a craving for Mexican food, so I went to a nearby restaurant.

Prefiero trabajar de forma independiente para poder organizar mi tiempo a mi antojo.

I prefer to work independently so I can organize my time according to my wishes.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

La industria alimentaria a menudo aprovecha los antojos de los consumidores mediante estrategias de marketing que resaltan la conveniencia y el sabor de los productos.

The food industry often capitalizes on consumer cravings through marketing strategies that highlight the convenience and taste of products.
