Today’s Spanish word of the day is “atención”.
It’s a feminine noun meaning “attention”, “service” or “kindness”.
It can also be used as an interjection to warn of danger, for example when shouted out on its own or written on a sign (“¡Atención!”). In this case, it could be translated as “Look out!”, “Danger!” or “Warning!”
Like in English, it can also be used to call for attention:
- ¡Atención, por favor! – Attention please!
Like the English word “attention”, Spanish “atención” comes from the Latin word attentio, which originally referred to the action of stretching towards something.
Example sentences
El niño requiere mucha atención.
The child requires a lot of attention.
La atención al cliente es importante.
Customer service is important.
¡Atención! Piso mojado.
Careful! Wet floor.
A pesar del ruido, mantuve mi atención en el libro.
Despite the noise, I kept my attention on the book.
La atención al detalle en su trabajo es impresionante.
The attention to detail in his work is impressive.