Today’s Spanish word of the day is “blanco”.
It’s an adjective meaning “white”.
It can also be used as a noun to mean either “blank” (as in a blank space), or “target” (as in something you shoot at).
The word “blanco” can also refer to people with fair skin, and the plural “los blancos” can mean “white people”.
Both the Spanish word “blanco” and English “blank” come from an old Germanic word meaning “white” or “gleaming”. It’s thought the word might have entered the Spanish language because Germanic tribes used the word to refer to white horses.
Example sentences
El gato blanco se escondió debajo de la mesa.
The white cat hid under the table.
Prefiero el arroz blanco al integral.
I prefer white rice to brown rice.
Hay un espacio en blanco en el formulario que debes llenar.
There’s a blank space on the form you need to fill out.
El vino blanco es perfecto para el verano.
White wine is perfect for summer.
Compré un coche blanco porque es el color que mejor esconde el polvo… o eso creía.
I bought a white car because it’s the color that hides dust the best… or so I thought.