Today’s Spanish word of the day is “casar”.
It’s a verb meaning “to marry” or “to wed”. The reflexive form, “casarse”, translates as “to get married”.
Like the English verb “to marry”, it can also be used in a more metaphorical sense to refer to things that pair well together, for example:
- Casaron bien los colores de la habitación. – The colors of the room matched well.
The word “casar” comes from Latin casa, meaning “house” (the same word as Spanish “casa”).
A common saying in Spanish is “el casado casa quiere”, meaning “the newlywed wants a house”. This reflects the idea that when people get married, they traditionally move into a new home together.
Example sentences
Van a casarse el próximo mes.
They are going to get married next month.
¿Te gustaría casarte algún día?
Would you like to get married one day?
Nos casamos en una pequeña ceremonia en la playa.
We got married in a small ceremony on the beach.
Ellos se casaron hace 20 años.
They got married 20 years ago.
La idea de casarse por conveniencia ha existido durante siglos, pero hoy en día, muchas personas buscan algo más profundo y significativo.
The idea of marrying for convenience has existed for centuries, but today many people seek something deeper and more meaningful.