

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “enseguida”.

It’s an adverb meaning as “immediately” or “right away”.

It’s a compound word formed from the elements “en” (in) and “seguida” (continuing).

Other ways of saying “enseguida” in Spanish include “ya” and “ahora mismo”. For example, if you wanted to say “I’m going to call the doctor now”, you could say:

  • Voy a llamar al médico ahora mismo.
  • Voy a llamar al médico enseguida.
  • Voy a llamar al médico ya.

Llegaré enseguida, espérame.

I’ll be there in a moment, wait for me.

Enseguida te traigo el café.

I’ll bring you the coffee right away.

Vuelvo enseguida.

I’ll be right back.
