Today’s Spanish word of the day is “foto”.
It’s a feminine noun meaning “photo” or “picture”.
Since the word ends in o, you might expect it to be masculine. However, “foto” is a shortened form of the word “fotografía”, which is feminine, hence why “foto” is also feminine.
Like the English word “photography”, “fotografía” comes from Greek roots: photo (“light”) and graph (“something written”), so it literally means “something written with light”.
Example sentences
Esta foto fue tomada en nuestras vacaciones el año pasado.
This photo was taken on our vacation last year.
¿Puedes enviarme la foto que tomaste ayer?
Can you send me the photo you took yesterday?
La foto muestra claramente cómo era el lugar antes de la renovación.
The photo clearly shows what the place looked like before the renovation.
Tomé una foto de la ciudad desde la cima de la montaña.
I took a photo of the city from the top of the mountain.
El fotógrafo ganó un premio por su impactante foto del conflicto.
The photographer won an award for his striking photo of the conflict.