Today’s Spanish word of the day is “hermoso” in the masculine form, or “hermosa” in the feminine form.
It’s an adjective meaning “beautiful” or “lovely”.
Example sentences
Me encanta tu hermoso vestido.
I love your gorgeous dress.
Esta canción tiene una letra hermosa.
This song has beautiful lyrics.
Esa pintura es realmente hermosa.
That painting is really beautiful.
Es una ciudad hermosa para visitar.
It’s a beautiful city to visit.
El atardecer en la playa es hermoso.
The sunset at the beach is beautiful.
Where does the word “hermoso” come from?
“Hermoso” comes from Latin “formosus”, which has the same root as the English word “form”. This makes sense, as something “hermoso” is something well-formed.
As Latin evolved into Spanish, the “f” at the start of many words was replaced with an “h”. Other examples of this include:
- “Halcón” (“falcon”), from Latin “falco”.
- “Hablar” (“to speak”), from Latin “fabulāri”, which is also the root of the English word “fable”.
- “Hambre” (“hunger”), from Latin “famen”, which is also the root of the English word “famine”.