

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “hojear”.

It’s a verb meaning to leaf through the pages of a book. It can also be translated as “to browse” or “to flip through”.

These days, “hojear” can also refer to browsing or scrolling content on digital devices as well as leafing through physical books and magazines.

The word comes from the noun “hoja”, meaning “leaf” or “page”, which has been turned into a verb.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

Me gusta hojear revistas en la biblioteca.

I like to leaf through magazines at the library.

Vamos a hojear este catálogo para ver qué cosas nuevas tienen.

Let’s browse through this catalog to see what new things they have.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Cuando voy a una librería, me encanta hojear los libros antes de decidir cuál comprar.

When I go to a bookstore, I love to leaf through books before deciding which one to buy.

El profesor nos pidió que hojeáramos el libro de texto para encontrar la respuesta.

The teacher asked us to leaf through the textbook to find the answer.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

Antes de comprar un electrodoméstico nuevo, suelo hojear opiniones en línea para asegurarme de hacer una buena elección.

Before buying a new appliance, I usually skim through online reviews to make sure I’m making a good choice.
