

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “jurar”.

It’s a verb meaning “to swear”, “to promise” or “to vow”.

The word comes from Latin iurare, meaning “to swear an oath”, from which we get the English word “jury” (since members of the jury swear an oath), as well as “perjury” (a false oath). It’s also related to English words such as “just”, “injury” and “justice”.

“Jurar” is a regular verb that’s conjugated the same way as other -ar verbs.

Te juro que estoy diciendo la verdad.

I swear I’m telling the truth.

Ella juró que nunca volvería a cometer ese error.

She swore that she would never make that mistake again.

“¡Lo juro por mi honor!” exclamó el caballero.

“I swear it on my honor!” exclaimed the knight.
