Today’s Spanish word of the day is “ligero”.
It’s an adjective that’s usually translated as “light”, as in the opposite of heavy.
Like in English, this word can be used both to refer to weight in a literal sense as well as in a more metaphorical sense, for example referring to sleeping lightly or “light” meals that are low in calories.
Depending on the context, the word “ligero” could be translated as “light”, “slight”, “minor” or “fast”.
One word that derives from the word “ligero” is “ligereza”, translating as “lightness” or “agility”.
Example Sentences
Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:
El libro es ligero y fácil de llevar en mi mochila.
The book is lightweight and easy to carry in my backpack.
Prefiero una comida ligera para el almuerzo, como una ensalada.
I prefer a light meal for lunch, like a salad.
Me gusta vestir ropa ligera en verano para no pasar calor.
I like to wear lightweight clothes in summer to avoid feeling hot.
Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:
El avión despegó con un retraso ligero debido al tráfico aéreo.
The plane took off with a slight delay due to air traffic.
Mi abuela disfruta tejiendo con lana ligera para hacer prendas frescas.
My grandmother enjoys knitting with lightweight wool to make cool garments.
Siempre llevo una chaqueta ligera en mi mochila por si refresca durante el día.
I always carry a lightweight jacket in my backpack in case it gets chilly during the day
Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:
El cambio climático está causando un incremento ligero pero preocupante en la temperatura global.
Climate change is causing a slight but concerning increase in global temperature.
La conversación entre los dos líderes políticos fue cordial y ligera, pero no abordaron los temas más importantes.
The conversation between the two political leaders was cordial and light, but they didn’t address the most important issues.
La tela de seda era tan ligera que apenas se sentía al tacto.
The silk fabric was so light that it was barely felt to the touch.