

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “llovizna”.

It’s a feminine noun meaning “light rain” or “drizzle”.

The word comes from the verb “lloviznar”, meaning “to drizzle”, which in turn is related to the more common words “llover”, meaning “to rain” and “lluvia”, meaning “rain”.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

En otoño, a veces hay llovizna por la mañana.

In autumn, sometimes there’s drizzle in the morning.

Me gusta caminar bajo la llovizna, es muy refrescante.

I like walking in the drizzle, it’s very refreshing.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Ayer salimos de excursión y nos sorprendió una llovizna inesperada.

Yesterday we went on a trip and we were caught off guard by an unexpected drizzle.

Prefiero la llovizna ligera a la lluvia intensa, es más agradable para pasear.

I prefer light drizzle to heavy rain, it’s more pleasant for walking.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

El jardinero aprovechó la llovizna matutina para regar las plantas sin desperdiciar demasiada agua.

The gardener took advantage of the morning drizzle to water the plants without wasting too much water.
