Today’s Spanish word of the day is “merienda”.
It’s a feminine noun that refers to a snack or a small meal eaten in the late afternoon or early evening, usually between 4 and 7 PM.
You eat the merienda sometime between lunch and dinner, making it similar to the English concept of “afternoon tea”.
It often consists of a sandwich, toast or a pastry eaten with a hot drink such as coffee, tea or hot chocolate.
Example Sentences
Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:
Después de la escuela, comemos una merienda.
After school, we eat a snack.
Mi merienda favorita es pan con mantequilla.
My favorite snack is bread with butter.
Mi mamá prepara una merienda deliciosa con frutas frescas.
My mom prepares a delicious snack with fresh fruits.
Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:
En Argentina, la merienda es muy importante y a menudo incluye mate y medialunas.
In Argentina, the afternoon snack is very important and often includes mate (a traditional South American drink) and medialunas (croissants).
¿Qué te parece si nos encontramos en el café para tomar una merienda después del trabajo?
What do you think about meeting at the café for a snack after work?
Durante mi viaje a España, descubrí la tradición de la merienda y me encantó.
During my trip to Spain, I discovered the tradition of the afternoon snack, and I loved it.
Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:
Para una merienda informal con amigos, suelo preparar una tabla de quesos, embutidos y pan casero.
For a casual snack with friends, I usually prepare a platter of cheeses, cold cuts, and homemade bread.
Durante la cuarentena, mi familia y yo hacíamos una merienda especial cada tarde para animarnos.
During the quarantine, my family and I would have a special snack every afternoon to cheer ourselves up.
Los nietos de Rosa esperaban ansiosos la hora de la merienda para disfrutar de los manjares que su abuela preparaba con tanto esmero.
Rosa’s grandchildren eagerly awaited snack time to enjoy the delicacies that their grandmother prepared with so much care.