Today’s Spanish word of the day is “mesa”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “table”.
It comes from the Latin word “mensa”, which also meant “table”.
Whether you’re visiting a restaurant, eating at home or working at the table, “mesa” is a very useful word to know!
Example sentences
Por favor, pon la mesa para la cena.
Please set the table for dinner.
La mesa está llena de papeles y libros.
The table is covered with papers and books.
La abuela siempre tiene flores frescas en la mesa.
Grandma always has fresh flowers on the table.
Después de la cena, recogimos la mesa y lavamos los platos.
After dinner, we cleared the table and washed the dishes.
Mi perro se sube a la mesa cuando nadie lo ve.
My dog jumps on the table when no one is looking.
Interesting facts about the word “mesa”
- The word “mesa” is related to the word “meseta”, which means “plateau”, reflecting the elevated, tablelike nature of a plateau. The Meseta Central, or Central Plateau, covers about 40% of the interior of Spain.
- The word “mesa” comes from the Latin word “mensa”, which was also used to name Mensa International, the high-IQ society. The society’s logo features a table symbol, inspired by the idea of a round-table organization.