Today’s Spanish word of the day is a two for one: “novio” and “novia”.
“Novio” is a masculine noun meaning “boyfriend”, while “novia” is a feminine noun meaning “girlfriend”. These words can also be used to mean “groom” and “bride”, or “fiancé” depending on the context.
According to the Real Academia Española, the words “novio” and “novia” come from Latin novius, meaning “new”. However, the words are quite similar to the Latin word nubere, meaning “to marry”, which is also a possible etymology.
Example sentences
Mi novio me sorprendió con un regalo de cumpleaños.
My boyfriend surprised me with a birthday gift.
¿Cuánto tiempo llevas con tu novia?
How long have you been with your girlfriend?
Mi novia me apoya en todo lo que hago.
My girlfriend supports me in everything I do.
Aunque solo llevaban unos meses como novios, ambos sabían que querían pasar el resto de sus vidas juntos.
Even though they had only been boyfriend and girlfriend for a few months, they both knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.
Cuando su novia se fue de viaje, él se dio cuenta de lo mucho que dependía de ella.
When his girlfriend went on a trip, he realized how much he depended on her.