Today’s Spanish word of the day is “palabra”.
It’s a feminine noun meaning “word”.
Like English “word”, you can use “palabra” figuratively to refer to a promise or commitment, for example:
- Te doy mi palabra. – I give you my word.
The word “palabra” comes from Latin parabola, meaning “comparison” or “parable”. This is also the root of the English words “parable”, “parabola” and “palaver”.
Example sentences
¿Puedes decirme una palabra que rime con “flor”?
Can you tell me a word that rhymes with “flower”?
No puedo encontrar la palabra adecuada para expresar lo que siento.
I can’t find the right word to express what I feel.
Aunque había arrancado la palabra “imposible” de su diccionario, todavía no logró alcanzar sus sueños.
Even though he had ripped the word “impossible” out of his dictionary, he still failed to achieve his dreams.
Esta palabra es muy difícil de traducir.
This word is very hard to translate.
No quiero escuchar otra palabra sobre este tema.
I don’t want to hear another word about this topic.