Today’s Spanish word of the day is “pasado”.
It’s a masculine noun meaning “past”.
It can also be used as an adjective translating as “past”, “last” (as in “most recent”), “stale”, “overdone” or “outdated”.
The word is formed from the past participle of the verb “pasar”, meaning “to pass”. This is also how the English word “past” was formed—English “past” is a variant of the word “passed”, from “to pass”.
Both Spanish “pasar” and English “to pass” come from Latin pasare, meaning “to step”, “to walk” or “to pass”.
Example sentences
El año pasado viajé a España.
Last year I traveled to Spain.
Mi abuela habla mucho del pasado.
My grandmother talks a lot about the past.
¿Qué hiciste el pasado fin de semana?
What did you do last weekend?
En el pasado, vivíamos en otra ciudad.
In the past, we lived in another city.
La Guerra Civil Española marcó profundamente el pasado del país.
The Spanish Civil War deeply marked the country’s past.