

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “porque”.

It’s a conjunction meaning “because”.

Confusingly, Spanish has three words/phrases formed from the words “por” + “que”, with slightly different meanings and uses.:

  • “porque” = “because”. Example: “No puedo ir porque estoy enfermo.” – “I can’t go because I’m sick.”
  • “porqué” = “reason”. Example: “Explica el porqué de tu decisión.” – “Explain the reason for your decision.”
  • “¿por qué?” = “why?”. Example: “¿Por qué lloras?” – “Why are you crying?”.

No fui a la fiesta porque estaba cansado.

I didn’t go to the party because I was tired.

Compré ese libro porque me lo recomendaron.

I bought that book because it was recommended to me.

Llegamos tarde porque hubo mucho tráfico.

We arrived late because there was a lot of traffic.
