Today’s Spanish word of the day is “prometer”.
It’s a verb meaning “to promise”.
It can also mean “to get engaged” or “to promise oneself” when used as a pronominal verb (“prometerse”).
The word “prometer” derives from Latin promittere, which meant “to promise” or “to send forth”. This is also the root of the English word “promise”.
The related Spanish word “promesa” also translates as “promise”, but is a noun (“a promise”) rather than a verb (“to promise”).
“Prometer” is a regular verb that has the same conjugation pattern as other regular -er verbs.
Example sentences
Te prometo que llegaré temprano.
I promise you I’ll arrive early.
No prometas lo que no puedes cumplir.
Don’t promise what you can’t fulfill.
Él prometió dejar de fumar, pero sigue comprando cigarrillos en secreto.
He promised to quit smoking, but he keeps buying cigarettes in secret.
Si prometes guardar el secreto, te contaré lo que realmente sucedió.
If you promise to keep the secret, I’ll tell you what really happened.
Se prometieron después de dos años de noviazgo.
They got engaged after two years of dating.