

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “quién”.

When spelled with an accent (“quién”), it’s an interrogative pronoun that means “who” or “whom” in questions. For example:

  • ¿Quién es tu profesor? –  Who is your teacher?

When spelled without an accent, (“quien”), it’s a relative pronoun that can be used to introduce more information about someone. For example:

  • El autor quien escribió el libro vive en Madrid. – The author who wrote the book lives in Madrid.

It can also be an indefinite pronoun usually translating as “anyone who”. For example:

  • Quien se sienta cansado debería descansar. – Anyone who feels tired should rest.

The two spellings of the word are listed separately in Spanish dictionary, but we are covering them both here since they both translate as “who” in English.

¿Quién está en la puerta?

Who is at the door?

La chica quien ganó el premio está emocionada.

The girl who won the prize is excited.

El gato, quien siempre roba mi silla, ahora está durmiendo en mi cama.

The cat, who always steals my chair, is now sleeping in my bed.
