Today’s Spanish word of the day is “rápido”.
It’s an adjective meaning “fast” or “quick”.
As you might have guessed, it comes from the same word as English “rapid”. Both words come from Latin rapidus meaning “quick” or “swift”.
The adverb form of “rápido” is “rápidamente” (“quickly”). Many Spanish adjectives can be turned into adverbs by taking the feminine form of the adjective and adding “-mente”. Here are a few more examples:
- Virtual (virtual) – Virtualmente (virtually)
- Abierta (open) – Abiertamente (openly)
- Igual (equal) – Igualmente (equally)
Example sentences
El tren es muy rápido.
The train is very fast.
Necesito una solución rápida.
I need a quick solution.
Ven rápido, es urgente.
Come quickly, it’s urgent.
Ella aprendió a tocar la guitarra muy rápido.
She learned to play the guitar very quickly.
El tiempo pasó muy rápido durante las vacaciones.
Time went by very fast during the holidays.