Today’s Spanish word of the day is “regalar”.
It’s a verb meaning “to give” (as a gift) or “to give away” (for free).
The reflexive form “regalarse” means “to treat oneself”.
“Regalar” is a regular verb that has the same conjugation pattern as other regular -ar verbs.
Example sentences
Voy a regalarle un libro a mi hermana por su cumpleaños.
I’m going to give my sister a book for her birthday.
Ella decidió regalar su ropa vieja a una organización benéfica.
She decided to donate her old clothes to a charity.
Después de tanto trabajo, decidí regalarme unas vacaciones.
After so much work, I decided to treat myself to a vacation.
Mi abuela me regaló este reloj cuando cumplí 18 años.
My grandmother gave me this watch when I turned 18.
No sé qué regalar a alguien que lo tiene todo.
I don’t know what to give someone who has everything.