

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “risueño”.

It’s an adjective that can be translated as “smiling”, “smiley” or “cheerful”.

It could be used to describe someone who appears to be cheerful right now, or someone who tends to laugh easily and generally has a cheerful and optimistic approach to life.

The word is formed by combining the word “risa”, meaning “laughter”, with the suffix “-eño”.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

El niño está siempre risueño.

The boy is always smiling.

En el parque, vi un perro grande y risueño.

At the park, I saw a big and cheerful dog.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Después de un día difícil, ver un rostro risueño siempre mejora mi ánimo.

After a tough day, seeing a cheerful face always lifts my spirits.

El guía turístico nos recibió con una sonrisa risueña y nos dio la bienvenida a la ciudad.

The tour guide welcomed us with a cheerful smile and greeted us to the city.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

La risueña anciana nos contó historias de su juventud con un entusiasmo contagioso que nos transportó a otra época.

The cheerful elderly woman told us stories from her youth with a contagious enthusiasm that transported us to another era.
