Today’s Spanish word of the day is “siguiente”.
It’s an adjective meaning “next” or “following”.
Some useful phrases involving the word “siguiente” include the following:
- En el siguiente momento. – In the next moment.
- El siguiente en la fila. – The next in line.
- El siguiente día. – The following day.
The word “siguiente” comes from Latin sequentis, which also meant “next” and is related to the Spanish verb “seguir”, meaning “to follow”, as well as the English word “sequence” (“secuencia” in Spanish).
Example sentences
¿Quién es el siguiente en la fila?
Who is next in line?
El siguiente día, decidimos ir a la playa.
The next day, we decided to go to the beach.
En el siguiente ejercicio, tendrás que aplicar lo que aprendiste durante la lección.
In the next exercise, you’ll have to apply what you learned during the lesson.
Aunque estábamos cansados, decidimos continuar con el siguiente paso del viaje.
Although we were tired, we decided to continue with the next step of the trip.
“¿Y lo siguiente qué será?” pensó con temor.
“What next?” he thought fearfully.