

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “sobresalir”. It’s a verb that means “to stick out”, “to stand out” or “to excel”.

The word is a compound of the words “sobre”, meaning “over”, and “salir”, meaning “to go out”. This reflects the idea of someone or something rising above the competition.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

Marta sobresale en matemáticas.

Marta excels in mathematics.

El equipo de fútbol de mi barrio sobresale en la liga local.

My neighborhood’s soccer team excels in the local league.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Aunque todos los estudiantes son talentosos, algunos sobresalen más en ciertas materias.

Although all students are talented, some excel more in certain subjects.

Aunque era un desafío, María se esforzó por sobresalir en sus estudios y obtener las mejores calificaciones.

Although it was a challenge, Maria strived to stand out in her studies and achieve the best grades.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

El joven entrenador logró que su equipo sobresaliera con un estilo de juego audaz e innovador.

The young coach managed to make his team stand out with a bold and innovative playing style.
