

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “trasnochar”.

It’s a verb meaning to stay up late at night, or to stay up all night. There isn’t a single word that means this in English, but it expresses a similar concept to “burning the midnight oil” or “pulling an all-nighter”.

The word “trasnochar” is derived from the prefix “tras-“, meaning “beyond”, and the word “noche”, meaning “night”.

The etymology reflects how you are going beyond the normal boundaries of the night by staying up so late.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

¿Por qué trasnochaste tanto? ¡Ahora tienes unas ojeras enormes!

Why did you stay up so late? Now you have huge bags under your eyes!

Ayer, trasnoché porque tenía que terminar un proyecto importante.

Last night, I stayed up late because I had to finish an important project.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Durante los períodos de exámenes, a menudo me veo obligado a trasnochar para poder estudiar todo el material que se requiere.

During exam periods, I often find myself forced to stay up late in order to study all the required material.

El escritor se encontraba en su estudio trasnochando, buscando inspiración para su próxima novela.

The writer was in his study staying up late, seeking inspiration for his next novel.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

Absorta en su investigación, la científica trasnochaba, sus ojos enrojecidos reflejando una determinación inquebrantable.

Absorbed in her research, the scientist stayed up late, her reddened eyes reflecting an unwavering determination.
