Today’s Spanish word of the day is “usar”.
It’s a verb meaning “to use”.
You can use the verb “usar” to refer to using things like objects. For example:
- ¿Puedo usar tu teléfono? – Can I use your phone?
It can also mean “to wear”, especially in Latin America. For example:
- Usa gafas todo el tiempo. – He/She wears glasses all the time.
The word “usar” comes from the Latin root uti, meaning “to make use of”. This is also the root of the English word “use”
It is a regular verb, so ‘s conjugated in following the same pattern as other regular -ar verbs.
Example sentences
¿Sabes usar esta aplicación? Parece complicada.
Do you know how to use this app? It seems complicated.
¿Qué champú usas? Tu pelo siempre se ve genial.
What shampoo do you use? Your hair always looks great.
El chef usó ingredientes frescos para preparar la cena, y el resultado fue increíble.
The chef used fresh ingredients to prepare dinner, and the result was amazing.
Cuando era niño, usaba mi imaginación para crear mundos fantásticos.
When I was a child, I used my imagination to create fantastic worlds.
Usa siempre el cinturón de seguridad cuando manejes.
Always use your seatbelt when you drive.