Today’s Spanish word of the day is “veras”, which is only really used in the expression “de veras”.
This expression can translate as “really”, “truly” or “for real”, for example:
- ¿De veras quieres ir al cine? – Do you really want to go to the movies?
It’s often used in conversations to stress that something is true or to make sure the listener understands that what’s being said is genuine or serious.
The phrase “de veras” comes from the Latin word veras, meaning “true”.
Example sentences
De veras me siento afortunado de tener amigos como tú.
I truly feel lucky to have friends like you.
¿De veras piensas que eso es una buena idea?
Do you really think that’s a good idea?
De veras, me encantaría ir a tu fiesta.
I really would love to go to your party.
¿De veras no te acuerdas de lo que sucedió ayer?
Do you really not remember what happened yesterday?
De veras me sorprendió cómo la situación cambió en tan poco tiempo.
I truly was surprised by how the situation changed in such a short time.