

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “vivo” in the masculine form, or “viva” in the feminine form.

It’s an adjective that usually translates as “alive”. Depending on the context, it can also mean “lively”, “bright” or “intense”.

If you want to refer to a live performance or event, you would say it is “en vivo”. For example:

  • El concierto será transmitido en vivo. – The concert will be broadcast live.

The Spanish word “vivo” comes from Latin vivus, meaning “with life”. This is also the root of several English words including “vivid” and “vivacious”. The adjective “vivo” also is related to the Spanish verb “vivir”, meaning “to live”.

El pez está vivo.

The fish is alive.

Esos colores son muy vivos.

Those colors are very bright.

El debate fue vivo e interesante.

The debate was lively and interesting.
