

Today’s Spanish word of the day is “boquiabierto”.

It’s an adjective formed by combining the words “boca”, meaning “mouth” and “abierto”, meaning “open”.

It can refer to literally having your mouth wide open, or can be translated as “speechless”, “dumbstruck” or “dumbfounded”.

It’s usually used to describe the kind of shock or amazement that would leave you with your mouth wide open.


Here are some example sentences at beginner (A1/A2) level:

Ana se quedó boquiabierta cuando vio el hermoso paisaje.

Ana was astonished when she saw the beautiful landscape.

Los turistas estuvieron boquiabiertos ante las antiguas ruinas.

The tourists were open-mouthed in front of the ancient ruins.


Here are some example sentences at intermediate (B1/B2) level:

Mis padres se quedaron boquiabiertos cuando les anuncié que me iba a estudiar en el extranjero.

My parents were astonished when I told them I was going to study abroad.

Boquiabiertos de asombro, los exploradores contemplaron la majestuosa cascada que se extendía ante sus ojos.

Open-mouthed with astonishment, the explorers gazed at the majestic waterfall that stretched before their eyes.


Here are some example sentences at advanced (C1/C2) level:

La revelación del secreto nos dejó boquiabiertos. Nunca sospechamos que algo así estuviera sucediendo a nuestras espaldas.

The revelation of the secret left us open-mouthed. We never suspected that something like that was happening behind our backs.
