Today’s Spanish word of the day is “acerca”.
It’s an adverb meaning “about”. It can also translate as “concerning” (as in “related to”).
“Acerca” is usually used as part of the phrase “acerca de”, which is literally like saying “about of” rather than just “about”. Here are a couple of examples:
- Hablamos acerca del problema. – We talked about the problem.
- Un libro acerca de historia. – A book about history.
The word “acerca” is related to the word “cerca”, meaning “close” or “nearby”. Both words come from the Latin root circa, meaning “about”. We use Latin circa in English, especially when giving imprecise dates, for example “circa 1000 BC”.
Example sentences
Quiero saber más acerca de tu viaje.
I want to know more about your trip.
Escribió un artículo acerca de jardinería urbana.
He wrote an article about urban gardening.
Carlos le contó a su amigo acerca de su primer trabajo en el restaurante.
Carlos told his friend about his first job at the restaurant.
La profesora nos pidió escribir un ensayo acerca de nuestras metas futuras.
The teacher asked us to write an essay about our future goals.
El documental hablaba acerca de la vida de animales en la selva amazónica.
The documentary was talking about the life of animals in the Amazon rainforest.