


Today’s Spanish word of the day is “idea”. Can you guess what it means? That’s right, it means “idea”! “Idea” is one of hundreds of Latin-derived words that are spelled identically in English and Spanish. You need to be careful with the pronunciation though, as each of the three vowels in “idea” is pronounced differently […]

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “cama”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “bed”. This can be a pretty useful word to know if you’re staying in a hotel! If you’re staying in a hostel, you’re more likely to sleep in a “litera”, which means “bunk bed”. Example sentences Todos los días hago la cama

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “mesa”. It’s a feminine noun meaning “table”. It comes from the Latin word “mensa”, which also meant “table”. Whether you’re visiting a restaurant, eating at home or working at the table, “mesa” is a very useful word to know! Example sentences Por favor, pon la mesa para la

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “igual”. It can be used as an adjective or adverb translating as “equal” or “the same”. It comes the same Latin root as the English word “equal”. “Igual” is quite a versatile word, and it doesn’t always mean exactly “the same” or “equal”. For example, it can mean

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “hacer”. It’s one of the most common verbs in Spanish, and means “to do” or “to make”. It’s an incredibly versatile word that comes up in all kinds of phrases. Here’s a quick overview of how to conjugate “hacer” in the present tense: Remember, personal pronouns are optional

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “ayuda”. It’s a feminine noun usually translated as “help”, though it could also mean “aid” or “assistance”. It comes from the verb “ayudar”, meaning “to help”. Example Sentences No entiendo este problema. ¿Puedes darme una ayuda? I don’t understand this problem. Can you give me some help? Si

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “paseo”. It’s a noun meaning “walk”, “stroll” or “promenade”. It can also refer to a leisurely outing by bike or car. It’s often heard in the phrase “dar un paseo”, translating as “to take a stroll”. The word comes from Latin “passus”, meaning “step” or “pace”, which is

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “ojalá”. It’s an interjection (a word that expresses emotion), and can be translated as “hopefully”, “I hope so”, “I wish”, “if only” or “let’s hope”. It comes from the Arabic phrase “inshallah”, meaning “God willing”. The word “ojalá” can be traced back to the period of Muslim rule

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “espabilado”. It’s an adjective meaning “clever” or “sharp”. It’s often used to describe people who are particularly “switched on” or mentally agile. The word comes from the verb “despabilar”, meaning to remove the burnt part of the wick in a candle, enabling it to burn brighter. Example Sentences

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Today’s Spanish word of the day is “sosegado”. It’s an adjective meaning “calm” or “peaceful”. The word comes from the verb “sosegar”, meaning “to calm” or “to soothe”. It can be used to describe people, animals and places that are particularly calm, quiet or serene. Example Sentences Beginner Here are some example sentences at beginner

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